ASTRA Concert #2 2014 Liebowitz 101: 2nd Annual Lawrence Whiffin concert.
5pm Sunday 4th May
Church of All Nations
corner Drummond and Palmerston Streets Carlton
This Astra concert on the 84th birthday of the late composer Lawrence Whiffin celebrates his place between different generations. Works of his – including two first performances – are set between the music of René Leibowitz, his famous teacher in post-war Paris, and that of a younger generation of friends, colleagues and former students, who formed the musical environment of his Australian years since the 1970s. http://www.astramusic.
Leibowitz, chamber and choral works; Whiffin A BRIEF MOMENT for woodwind trio, ETUDES 3 & 4 (1st performance);
New and recent works by Steve Stelios Adam, Marguerite Boland, Martin Friedel, Graeme Gerrard, Laughton Harris, Allan Walker and Julian Yu.
Mardi McSullea (flute), Craig Hill (clarinet), Elise Millman (bassoon), Kim Bastin, Peter Dumsday, Joy Lee (piano), Steve Stelios Adam and Michael Hewes (sound design), The Astra Choir conducted by John McCaughey.
Leibowitz, chamber and choral works; Whiffin A BRIEF MOMENT for woodwind trio, ETUDES 3 & 4 (1st performance);
New and recent works by Steve Stelios Adam, Marguerite Boland, Martin Friedel, Graeme Gerrard, Laughton Harris, Allan Walker and Julian Yu.
Mardi McSullea (flute), Craig Hill (clarinet), Elise Millman (bassoon), Kim Bastin, Peter Dumsday, Joy Lee (piano), Steve Stelios Adam and Michael Hewes (sound design), The Astra Choir conducted by John McCaughey.
$15/20/35 at the door or phone 03 9326 5424 or Try Booking